- 注册
- 2024/07/26
- 消息
- 681
本帖是针对 Claude API 23,我不确定是否适用于普通的 Claude Chat 12 账号。在这里分享一下过程,给大家一个参考同时也提振一下大家的信心。
事情是这样的:今天早上我收到反馈,Claude API 报错: This organization has been disabled. 我心里当时就慌了,上线一看账号确实都嘎了,红框显示 This organization has been disabled.
但这个事情并不应该。我的账号美卡支付,全程美国服务器,稳定使用好多个月了,支出也不少。于是我开始尝试联系客服申诉,让我找到了一个他们的谷歌表单(页面来源 53):
Account Ban Appeal
Safety is core to Anthropic’s mission and we are committed to building an ecosystem where users can safely interact with and build on top of our products in a harmless, helpful, and honest way. We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently modify, suspend, or discontinue the Services or...
我这边填完表单大概 2-3小时(看客服时间),上去一看红框不见了!再一试果然恢复了